google-site-verification=oaUZY8en0K6Tv0sQrT8K4P_aM1uZgJS5yDH-8jbRSzQ 宿題の悩み解決!高校生向けChatGPTの効果的な使い方とは? - 不思議ワンダーランド:知られざる事実の発見




はじめに Introduction




In recent years, the rapid evolution of AI technology has had a significant impact on the world of education. AI assistants and learning support tools are transforming traditional learning methods and proposing new ways to learn.

In particular, high school students have unique learning needs and challenges, leading to an increasing use of AI assistants. Among them, AI assistants like ChatGPT are expected to provide useful information for homework and learning, enhancing learning outcomes.

However, on the other hand, there are concerns about the proper use of AI assistants and their impact. In this article, we will examine the positive aspects and concerns of high school students using ChatGPT for their homework and learning, and explore a balanced approach. Understanding the impact of such technology on education and finding the best way to use it will be key to improving the quality of education in the future.




Assistance in research and information gathering ChatGPT is a powerful search tool that helps high school students quickly find information and resources related to their homework or projects. Students can easily obtain answers to specific topics or questions.



ChatGPT can answer questions related to various topics, such as math problems or scientific concepts. This helps students deepen their understanding. Additionally, it provides support when students tackle difficult problems, helping them build confidence.



For high school students learning a foreign language, ChatGPT serves as an effective practice partner. It allows for learning in a conversational format, enabling students to acquire more natural phrasings and expressions. Moreover, it can answer questions about grammar and vocabulary, further enhancing the effectiveness of language learning.


自主性の低下 Decrease in autonomy


Overreliance on ChatGPT may reduce opportunities for high school students to develop their problem-solving abilities. It could become more difficult for them to pursue their own thoughts and ideas, potentially leading to a decline in independent learning skills.

コピペ問題 opy-pasting issues


Using ChatGPT’s answers directly for homework may hinder students from thinking on their own or improving their writing skills. This could eventually result in a lack of academic knowledge and creativity in the long run.

誤った情報 Incorrect information


AI can sometimes provide incorrect information or incomplete answers. As a result, students must always verify the accuracy of the information. This may lead to a decrease in learning effectiveness or the risk of retaining incorrect knowledge.




When using ChatGPT, it is important to strike a balance between making an effort to solve problems on your own and seeking support from the AI assistant. Prioritize self-study and use ChatGPT effectively for addressing difficult problems or points of confusion.



It is crucial to always cross-check the information obtained from ChatGPT with other reliable sources. By doing this, you can minimize the risk of retaining incorrect information.



It is important to interpret the information and ideas gained from ChatGPT in your own way and develop them into unique writing and ideas. This helps cultivate creativity and originality. In the long run, it will contribute to acquiring higher levels of knowledge and skills.

まとめ Conclusion




ChatGPT offers numerous benefits for high school students’ homework and learning, such as assistance in research and information gathering, support in problem-solving, and reinforcement of language learning across various fields. However, there are also disadvantages, including concerns about decreased autonomy, copy-pasting issues, and the risk of incorrect information.

By suggesting a balanced approach, these disadvantages can be mitigated. Combining self-study with AI assistant support, verifying the accuracy of information, and developing unique writing and ideas are key points.

Lastly, it is important to remember that ChatGPT and other AI assistants are merely tools to aid in learning, and students’ own efforts and original thinking are of the utmost importance. Using these tools with this mindset will lead to a high-quality learning experience.


a high school student,Combining self-learning with AI assistants. –ar 10:5 –s 750 –q 2

A high school student holding a smartphone in their right hand, doing homework with their gaze fixed on the phone. –ar 10:5 –s 750 –q 2
